Tuesday 31 May 2011

Dates for Your Diary

We will be at the Surrey Homebuilding and Renovating Show at Sandown Park on 25th and 26th June 2011.

We have complimentary passes available for the show, if you would like any please email info@sipsindustries.com to let us know your postal address and the number you require and we will send some out to you.

We will also have a stand at the Border Union Agricultural Society Show on the 29th and 30th July at Kelso Showground.

Friday 27 May 2011

From the Archives

A SIPs Industries project from the archives today.  We provided the SIPs kit for this one and a half storey house near Edinburgh back in 2002. 

During installation
Photograph by Gibb Photography
The house replaced a poorly insulated 1950's bungalow, and encapsulates the room in the roof concept for which SIPs is ideally suited.

Room in the Roof
The build was featured in this article in Homebuilding and Renovating Magazine in October 2007.

Thursday 26 May 2011

RIBA Awards 2011

Another SIPs project is up for an award: A woodland residence in Cumbria is one of around 100 buildings to be recognised for architectural excellence by the Royal Institue of British Architects.

The project is featured on the BBC news website's slide show: slide 4 of 7, and in an article on The Guardian website (3rd paragraph) as well as on a slide show on the same website (slide 1 of 20). 

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Completed Projects

The kit for this project in Aberdeenshire is now completed.  Various stages of the build can be seen in the below images:

View through the ground floor of the building.
Roof space used as living space.

Completed project

 More images of the project going up can be seen on our website

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Extensions & Roofs


Completed SIPs kit ready for external cladding.

The SIPs kit for this project in Aberdeen has now been completed and is ready for the external cladding.

Monday 23 May 2011

Scottish Home Awards 2011

We're delighted to have supplied the SIPs kits for two of the finalists in the Scottish Home Awards 2011, Designer House of the Year category. 

The Scottish Home Awards website describes the awards as  "an independent awards programme, run for the benefit of the housebuilding community with the aim of helping house builders and housing associations sell and market their properties more effectively." 

The two projects are this build in Dalkeith for Goodburn Bailie Architects:
Image by client

 And an eco-house in Dalkeith for Gerry and Susan Goldwyre, which has already featured on STV's May the Best Home Win:

Image by client
The final judging will take place on 9th June in Edinburgh, and we wish both projects the very best.

Friday 20 May 2011

In the News

One of the big advatages of using SIPs is that the panels are manufactured and cut to size in a fatory setting; this allows for minimal wastage of materials, both during the manufacturing of the kit and on site.

The advantages of this waste reduction are detailed in this article on a SIPs Industries Australia project, first published in the Weekend West Australian Homes section on the 14th May 2011.

Wednesday 18 May 2011


We've got some new photographs on the SIPs Industries website; www.sipsindustries.com. Check out the new and updated projects in the commercial and residential domestic and extensions sections.

If you have photographs of your SIPs Industries project that you would like to share, please email them across to info@sipsindustries.com - we would be delighted to see them.

Monday 16 May 2011

Modular Buildings

SIPs Industries Australia have been in the news again, this time for a sales office which was constructed in the factory then transported to the site in modules.  The project has been entered into the HIA Greensmart Awards 2011, so fingers crossed!

A copy of the article, which first appeared in the Weekend West Australian Homes Liftout on 6th May 2011 is under the cut.  You can see more images of the office in this post.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Oak Frame

We're delighted to have had the following email from Roderick James Architects, who designed this Oak frame:

"Just a quick thank you note to say I’ve had a telephone call from the main Building Contractor regarding the new dwelling you’ve worked on at Newton Abbot.

The main contractor says the SIPs went extremely well, the panels all fitted as planned and your team on site did a very good job of all the details. He is very pleased as, of course, are we. Thank you for all your work on the project."

It's fantastic to have such postiive feedback, and we look forward to seeing photographs of the completed house.

Thursday 5 May 2011

On-going Projects

This SIPs kit in Aberdeenshire is making good progress.  More photographs to follow as the kit nears completion.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Completed Kits

This office in Shetland was completed back in 2001, making it one of the earlier SIPs projects in the UK. 

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Monday 2 May 2011

SIPs Projects

These photos show a SIPs kit in Fife nearing completion.  The gap between the top of the wall and the roof will be glass.