Tuesday 15 March 2011


2011 is set to be a busy year for shows, so if you missed us at Ecobuild it's not too late to come and see us in person!

We'll be at the National Homebuilding and Renovating Show at Birmingham NEC from 24-17th March 2011, our stand is C149.  You can register for tickets by following the link to the right, or if you prefer we have a limited number of complimentary passes to give away. 

Our Australia team will be at designEX in Melbourne from 13-15 April 2011, this is oneof Australia's design and architecture events with dedicated seminars and workshops from industry leadres.  You can register for tickets here.

We will also be at Grand Designs Live at the London ExCel Centre from 30 April to 8th May.  You can book tickets here

If you miss us in the first part of the year, you can still catch us at the Homebuilding and Renovating Shows at various places throughout the UK:

Glasgow SECC                                 21-22 May
Sandown Park, Surrey                      25-26 June
Harrogate International Centre         4-6  Nov
Bath & West Showground                19-20 Nov

Details of our stand numbers and where to register for tickets will be posted nearer the time, so keep chekcing in - we'd love to see you there!

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