Wednesday 21 December 2011

Building with SIPs - On Site Part 1

SIPs Industries are specialists in manufacturing and erecting Structural Insulated Panels.  The SIPs kit provides the main structure of your build, but this is only part of the full picture.  This series aims to clarify what you can expect when you sign up for a SIPs Industries building, and to explain how you can help us ensure your SIPs build runs as smoothly as possible.

Before the kit arrives on site a member of the SIPS Industries team will visit your site to carry out a site survey and assess the access and egress for delivery lorries as well as the available storage space. 

Some sites are more easier to access than others ...
Your should ensure that you foundations are as level as possible; this prevents time being wasted on site, as uneven foundations will need to be packed with timber to ensure that the soleplate is level.

You will need to provide a skip for any site wastage, as well as toilets and welfare facilities.  The welfare facilities are usually a container  which doubles as canteen space and storage for nails etc.  These are required by the Health and Safety Executive, and will be needed throughout the entire build process.  On site toilet facilities also ensure that the build team do not have to waste time searching for toilets, instead of working on your building.

If you can provide a power supply it will negate the need to run a noisy generator in order to charge power tools and run task lighting; this will help to  keep your neighbours happy!
Sites with limited access require extra forward planning.
In an ideal world we can access the build from all sides; if space is tight careful forward planning can make a huge difference to the smooth running of the build.  Maximising available storage space means fewer deliveries made by our lorry, reducing upheaval on the main street, minimising disruption to your neighbours and ensuring a fast build time.

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