Monday 16 January 2012

From The Archives

At SIPs Industries, we have frequently noted that one of the main concerns clients have with SIPs is how they will perform in a house fire.  For this reason, we were delighted to offer our EPS panels to the BRE for the fire tests. 

The fire tests were carried out on both EPS panels and PU panels, so that in total, four tests were carried out, using designs representing a two-storey house and a multiple occupancy apartment dwelling, and lasting for 30 and 60 minutes respectively.  Each test compartment measured 3mx4m, and had a floor to ceiling height of 2.4m, representing a standard room.  The panels were clad on the outside with masonry, and on the inside with plasterboard.

The initial test report by Tom Lennon and Danny Hopkin was published in November 2010, and states that the fire tests;   “... have confirmed the ability of a structure incorporating SIP wall panels and engineered floor joists to survive a real fire scenario with an equivalent severity of 60 minutes exposure to the standard fire curve.” 

The mode of failure of the structure was a result of the floor failing, and the report emphasised that:  “Such as scenario is not influenced by the SIP system and would be the same for other panelised, framed or traditional masonry construction systems.”

A full report on the test programme will be published by Communities and Local Government (CLG).  We are delighted with the results of the test, which confirm that Structural Insulated Panels are no more hazardous in a house fire than traditional building methods.

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