Monday 11 June 2012


Below are some more testimonials from our first Self-Build Seminar.
The next Self-Build Training Day will be held on Sunday, 17th June.

I did call this morning to thank the guys for a tremendous effort, where they
excelled. I was impressed that it was not a hard sell on your product and it came
across as an extremely informative seminar.
John Mc

From my own point of view, the day was pretty much perfect. The
discussions were full of useful information. All the speakers were well
informed I liked the enthusiastic and informal style of the day ... it didn't feel
intimidating if we needed to ask the dumb questions .... In particular, the
SIPS Industries guys all spoke honestly, and articulately, with no hard sell
Garry B

I think the session we attended was very good, especially
for people like ourselves who are new to building, so I
wouldn’t worry about it running over-time as I know the
information given was very helpful.

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