Friday 18 May 2012

Students Visit SIPs Factory

Recently a group of City & Guilds Joinery students where given the opportunity to visit SIPs Industries UK in Dalgety Bay, Fife. The students were met on arrival by Grant Stewart and given a presentation showing how SIP panels are constructed. After this, the students were taken by Grant into the workshop and given the opportunity to observe the SIP panel construction process at first hand. The manufacturing process for SIPs panels consumes very little energy, reducing the manufacturing carbon footprint. One City & Guilds student was quoted saying, "I can see the potential this system has over traditional building methods." Ease of construction on site also reduces the building's impact on the environment. The finished building proves that the more thermally efficient the building is, the lower the cost to heat it will be. With rising energy costs, thermal efficiency is becoming more important in construction, giving this type of construction a competitive edge.

Article in Construction Engineering News, Border College, Issue 01, Summer 2012

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