Tuesday 29 May 2012


Below are some testimonials from our first Self-Build Seminar. As it was so well received we decided to hold more of these events. The next one is scheduled for 17th June.

Honestly I can't thank you enough for the seminar last Sunday. I'm
a COMPLETE novice at the very, very start of my journey and I
can't believe how generous you all were with your knowledge and
support. There was no inkling of a sales pitch from any of the
presenters: just good, honest advice.

We found it very informative and well worthwhile.

The whole day was informative and very useful; so much so that we have
decided to project manage the build ourselves! If there was any
complaint it was the time, unfortunately there wasn't enough, you had so
much to get across in so little time. The effort you all put into the day
was obvious and really appreciated, you have a great team and ought to
be very proud of your achievements.
Mike and Christine

Thanks for a very informative and interesting event, I found it very useful and I
now have firmer ideas about the way forward. The only problem for me was that I
had to rush away as I had to get back to visit a client. I think the pace and
content was aimed at the right level, and would be of benefit to all your potential

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