Tuesday 20 November 2012

SIPs Industries is holding a self-builder’s seminar, not just on SIPs, but the whole build process including Design vs Cost, pitfalls to avoid, Energy and the cost of ignoring it and the build process
Please register here


SIPs Industries Building Seminar 

Days Inn, Wetherby


Cost vs Design

Project Management

Cost Plans

Thermal Strategy -Windows, Vent Systems, Doors, Sap Calc, Detailing

Structural Strategy - Engineering Problem in Design, Structural Solutions, Engineering

Working with Contractors -Groundworkers, Scaffolders, Kit Suppliers, Roofer, Plumber, Electrician, Joiner, Finish,

 Lunch, Tea and Coffee


Thursday 23 August 2012

We are hosting a one day seminar on the “Principals of Self build” on 22nd September. We spend the morning discussing how the building works with the good the bad and the ugly. This covers cost vs design, heating a building efficiently, physics of how a building works to arm the self-builder  with information on what go out into the market and buy and why.  In the afternoon we build a house on paper, look at the problems, where we lose money, what contractors you will work with and how to work with them. This will end with some neat ideas and some of the places our self-builders buy their products after weeks on the internet.
There is no cost to this and you will find some of the information invaluable for your project. Please Take a look at the testimonials we received after Junes Seminar in the link below.

Please let me know if you are interested for a confirmation on numbers. The link to the seminar is http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=cqlvwohab&oeidk=a07e6ajcm10d2a484fb

22nd September, Dalgety Bay, near Edinburgh please click on this link or reply by mail.


Friday 29 June 2012

Southern Homebuilding & Renovating Show

Today the team from SIPs Industries is on their way down to Sandown Park in Surrey for the Southern Homebuilding & Renovating Show. The afternoon will be spend setting up the stand and getting everything ready for tomorrow. It will be another busy weekend and no doubt they'll all enjoy it very much.

Thursday 28 June 2012


Here are some pictures from one of our latest projects in Rothienorman, Aberdeenshire.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

New Pictures

Here are a few more pictures from our project in Lochgilphead

Roof section

View inside

Wrapped in breathable membrane

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Southern HB&R Show

We will be exhibiting at the Southern HB&R Show in Sandown Park, Surrey this weekend (30th June / 1st July 2012).
Our stand is located at the end of the hall, close to The Brasserie, where seminiars are taking place the whole weekend. Please come and visit us on stand 379.

Monday 25 June 2012

Fire Testing / Fire Safety

Structural insulated panel systems (SIPs) are being increasingly used in the UK. The market is driven by the ease and speed of construction and the energy efficiency of the system. Structural insulated panels are prefabricated lightweight building units, used as principal load bearing components in residential and light industrial construction. They are currently used for residential single or multi-occupancy buildings up to four storeys high.

Sustainable Buildings Division of Communities and Local Government commissioned BRE to carry out a project titled ‘The Performance in Fire of Structural Insulated Panel Systems’.

The following conclusions can be drawn from the four large-scale fire tests undertaken on building systems:
  • Structural insulated panel systems tested as part of this project are capable of achieving the requirements of the Building Regulations in relation to B2 internal fire spread (linings) and B3 internal fire spread (structure).
  • The mode of failure of the systems tested as part of this project was excessive deflection of the... 
Click here to read the whole report.

Department for Communities and Local Government
© Crown Copyright, December 2010

Friday 22 June 2012


Simplicity - Speed - Savings

  • All our panels are cut to fit standard size openings and are suitable for floors, walls and roof construction; with almost unlimited combinations providing design flexibility. A range of roof pitches is also available.
  • The panels are held in stock for faster delivery and construction on site. SIPs ReadyCut panels are light and flat packed, providing easy handling and delivery to site.
  • A more streamlined, efficient building system requiring less labour and site hours, thus reducing costs.

Thursday 21 June 2012

HIA WA Greensmart Award 2012

For the 3rd year running SIPS Industries Australia has received a HIA WA Greensmart Award. This year we have been awarded "Product of the Year" for our new patented product range - SIPS Ready Cut.
Find out more at www.sipsreadycut.com.au

The jugdges praised the versatility and scope of SIPS Ready Cut "This product is an ideal example of a product which can be utilised in a myriad of ways, and one which is designed to make the whole building process easier, more time effective, and more cost effective. In our opinion, it's certainly a stand out product, and one which will potentially change the wider community's view to mainstream construction methods."

Green Smart WA Award Winner 2012 - Product of the Year

Wednesday 20 June 2012

SIPS Panels

SIPs can be manufactured to any architectural design. Because the SIPs are manufactured to spec, there is nearly zero waste on the jobsite and labor is reduced significantly. Labor time savings range from 30-40%. SIPs make inside finish work easier to complete; drywall goes up fast and cabinets are quickly attached directly into the SIP facing. 

To read about the new Redford Sundance Conference Center, where SIPs where chosen to frame and insulate the building click here 

Info from StreetInsider.com

Tuesday 19 June 2012


Once again a panel is lifted into place by crane.
This house is currently build in Cambridgeshire.

Monday 18 June 2012

Pictures From The Self-Build Training Day

Yesterday was a really successful constructive day at SIPS Industries. 50 people joined us for the self-build training school.
The food was outstanding. Thanks to Kathy who put in hours of baking and preparing a colourful display.

Hand-made delicious cookies

Valuable information given for the self-builder

Explaining Cold Bridge

Friday 15 June 2012

Self-Build Training Day

As our first self-build training day was such a success, we are getting ready for our second one, this Sunday.
40 people will be joining us for information all aroundself-building-your-house.
It's kind of a different Father's Day event; fun and informative at SIPS Industries down in Dalgety Bay.

Thursday 14 June 2012

More On Breathable Membranes

Breathable membranes are often made from many layers of aluminum mesh that has been bonded together. This mesh is very fine and yet porous. This allows vapors to escape and yet prevents water from coming in. Imagine a sieve that only works in one direction. During home building this material is used on floors, roofs and walls underneath the finish although there are some that are actually designed to be the finish. 

Info from breathermembrane

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Breathable Membrane/Fabrics explained

Waterproof/breathable fabrics resist liquid water passing through, but allow water vapour to pass through. Their ability to block out rain and snow while allowing vapour from sweat to evaporate leads to their use in rainwear, waterproof outdoor sports clothing, tents, and other applications.

Click here  for more information on DWR

Info from Wikipedia    

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Monday 11 June 2012


Below are some more testimonials from our first Self-Build Seminar.
The next Self-Build Training Day will be held on Sunday, 17th June.

I did call this morning to thank the guys for a tremendous effort, where they
excelled. I was impressed that it was not a hard sell on your product and it came
across as an extremely informative seminar.
John Mc

From my own point of view, the day was pretty much perfect. The
discussions were full of useful information. All the speakers were well
informed I liked the enthusiastic and informal style of the day ... it didn't feel
intimidating if we needed to ask the dumb questions .... In particular, the
SIPS Industries guys all spoke honestly, and articulately, with no hard sell
Garry B

I think the session we attended was very good, especially
for people like ourselves who are new to building, so I
wouldn’t worry about it running over-time as I know the
information given was very helpful.

Friday 8 June 2012

Pictures From Edinburgh Project

One part of the roof is being lifted ...

... and carefully put into place ...

... with manual help.

Thursday 7 June 2012

Energy Efficiency Grants

Find out about energy efficiency grants and offers to help you make energy saving improvements to your home, by visiting direct.gov

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Friday 1 June 2012

New Pictures From Project In Edinburgh

Here are some more pictures from the on-going project in Edinburgh.
Currently we are a week ahead of the programme.

First floor

Glulam ridgebeam

Thursday 31 May 2012

Thermal Images

Framed constrution - not SIPS

SIPS constrution

All pictures were taken with a thermal imaging camera, which shows up the ranges in temparature.
The first set of pictures clearly shows the heat loss around the "frame".
The second set of pictures shows no heat loss,

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Thermal Bridge

A thermal bridge, also called a cold bridge, is a fundamental of heat transfer where a penetration of the insulation layer by a highly conductive or noninsulating material takes place in the separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building assembly (also known as the building enclosure, building envelope, or thermal envelope).
Thermal bridging is created when materials that are poor thermal insulators come into contact, allowing heat to flow through the path of least thermal resistance, although nearby layers of material separated by airspace allow little heat transfer.
Insulation around a bridge is of little help in preventing heat loss or gain due to thermal bridging; the bridging has to be eliminated, rebuilt with a reduced cross-section or with materials that have better insulating properties, or with a section of material with low thermal conductivity installed between metal components to retard the passage of heat through a wall or window assembly, called a thermal break.

Excerpts from article from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Tuesday 29 May 2012


Below are some testimonials from our first Self-Build Seminar. As it was so well received we decided to hold more of these events. The next one is scheduled for 17th June.

Honestly I can't thank you enough for the seminar last Sunday. I'm
a COMPLETE novice at the very, very start of my journey and I
can't believe how generous you all were with your knowledge and
support. There was no inkling of a sales pitch from any of the
presenters: just good, honest advice.

We found it very informative and well worthwhile.

The whole day was informative and very useful; so much so that we have
decided to project manage the build ourselves! If there was any
complaint it was the time, unfortunately there wasn't enough, you had so
much to get across in so little time. The effort you all put into the day
was obvious and really appreciated, you have a great team and ought to
be very proud of your achievements.
Mike and Christine

Thanks for a very informative and interesting event, I found it very useful and I
now have firmer ideas about the way forward. The only problem for me was that I
had to rush away as I had to get back to visit a client. I think the pace and
content was aimed at the right level, and would be of benefit to all your potential

Friday 25 May 2012

Upcoming Shows

Last weekend saw us at the Homebuilding and Renovating Show at the SECC in Glasgow. Once again our stand was well visited and the following days email and phone enquiries arrived at our factory/office from people who attended the show.
We are trying to get the quotes out as quickly as possible, while already looking preparing for the next show at the end of June.

Monday 21 May 2012


Here are some pictures from the latest site in Lochgilphead.

Scaffolding  put in place

View from top floor

Openings for windows

Friday 18 May 2012

Students Visit SIPs Factory

Recently a group of City & Guilds Joinery students where given the opportunity to visit SIPs Industries UK in Dalgety Bay, Fife. The students were met on arrival by Grant Stewart and given a presentation showing how SIP panels are constructed. After this, the students were taken by Grant into the workshop and given the opportunity to observe the SIP panel construction process at first hand. The manufacturing process for SIPs panels consumes very little energy, reducing the manufacturing carbon footprint. One City & Guilds student was quoted saying, "I can see the potential this system has over traditional building methods." Ease of construction on site also reduces the building's impact on the environment. The finished building proves that the more thermally efficient the building is, the lower the cost to heat it will be. With rising energy costs, thermal efficiency is becoming more important in construction, giving this type of construction a competitive edge.

Article in Construction Engineering News, Border College, Issue 01, Summer 2012

Thursday 17 May 2012

Building your own home

Building your own home can be cheaper and greener than buying an existing property. Find out about the different ways to self build, how to work out a budget and where to find land.
Visit DirectGov

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Shorter Construction Time

Construction time for a well-built house using SIPs can be less than for a frame home, due to the all-in-one nature of SIPs. The panels can be used as floor, wall and roof.
The house will have a tighter building envelope and the walls will have higher insulating properties. As a result substantial lifetime savings are made.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Scottish Homebuilding & Renovating Show

Four more days until the Scottish Homebuilding & Renovating Show start at the SECC in Glasgow.
To receive your free tickets, click on the banner.

Monday 14 May 2012

Green Homes

“It`s no longer a question of if people want green homes — they do — they want lower energy and lower water bills. They want healthy homes for their families. But it can’t cost more than a non-green home and it can’t take any more time to build and it has to be easy.”

Friday 11 May 2012

Detached Modern Eco Friendly House

for sale.

A very individual, detached modern home designed to incorporate eco technology with ground source heat pumps, photovoltarics and re-cycled rainwater tanks. Generous family accommodation and attractive garden grounds, Gate Lodge.
Click here to read more about this house, which is on sale now by Knight/Frank

The extension to this house was built by SIPS Industries.

Thursday 10 May 2012

The Green Deal

The Green Deal Scheme will enable many households and businesses to improve the energy efficiency of their properties, e.g. such as solid wall insulation.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Scottish Homebuilding & Renovating Show

We will be exhibiting at the Scottish Homebuilding & Renovating Show
in Glasgow at the SECC on 19th and 20th May.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

From SIPS Australia


SIPS Industries latest project is a 3 storey luxury residence with views of the coast just north of Perth.
SIPS Industries are supplying and installing the roof, external and internal walls and steel.
Being 3 stories there is some need for steel in the build. SIPS panels will work in perfectly to hide all the steel and because of our design there will be no thermal bridging.
Being close to the coast offers its own unique issues for designers and builders SIPS Industries have been able resolved them all.
Built on a strata block access is limited. SIPS Industries panel loads meant the panels could be craned in with the maximum efficiency.

Monday 7 May 2012

Insulate And Innovate

Saving energy in the home

A lot of money and resources go into making our homes warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. How can we minimize the amount of power we use for climate control?
For example, 1/3 of all energy consumed in Germany is used to heat or cool homes. This can be quite an expense and is a significant source of climate change driving greenhouse gases.
People have been insulating their homes for thousands of years with grass, mud and other natural materials. Now we use ... continue article

Info from www.greenfudge.org

Friday 4 May 2012

Green Growth

Former cabinet minister Chris Huhne has issued a stark warning that the UK's economic growth strategy will not work unless the government pursues "green growth" by investing in industries such as energy efficiency and clean energy. 
Full article ...

Article from http://www.guardian.co.uk

Thursday 3 May 2012

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Fire Safety

The standard finish for interior walls and ceilings is dry lining using one layer of 12.5mm plasterboard with fire-tape on the joints. This achieves a Class 1 fire rating.
The optimum Class 0 (zero) fire rating is achieved if two layers of plasterboard are attached.
Panels have passed the rigorous fire endurance tests. The solid-core panel construction eliminates the chimney effect that causes fires to spread rapidly through hollow conventional-built walls. The super-bonding, insulating foam we use is non-toxic and chemically inert.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Homes Energy Efficiency Database

HEED can be briefly described as a national database which tracks house-by-house the energy efficiency characteristics of the UK's housing stock
 If you have any queries you can contact the HEED team via  heed@est.org.uk

For more information go to energysavingtrust.org.uk  where this information is taking from.

Monday 30 April 2012

Introduction to LEED

The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System® encourages and accelerates global adoption of sustainable green building and development practices through the creation and implementation of universally understood and accepted tools and performance criteria.
LEED is a third-party certification program and an internationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings. It provides building owners and operators the tools they need to have an immediate and measurable impact on their buildings’ performance.
LEED promotes a whole-building approach to sustainability by recognizing performance in five key areas of human and environmental health:
  • sustainable site development
  • water efficiency
  • energy efficiency
  • materials selection
  • indoor environmental quality

Continue reading here

Article from http://www.cagbc.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=LEED

Friday 27 April 2012

Tax Credit Rules 2012

What are the first time home buyer tax credit 2012 rules?
According to the First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit 2012 rules, to qualify for the First-Time Homebuyers Credit on your 2011 tax return you must be a qualified extended duty service taxpayer who purchased a home as a principle residence after November 6, 2009 and before July 1, 2011 (with a written and binding contract signed before May 1, 2011).

Read the full article here

Information from www.task.fm

Thursday 26 April 2012

Pictures From Fabric First Event

Charles Stewart talking to architects and members of the Building Industry           

... and with John Prescott

Wednesday 25 April 2012

HB&R Show at the SECC in Glasgow

To get the latest news on the forthcoming HB&R Show in Glasgow visit the Scottish Homebuilding & Renovating Show which is the ideal place to get in touch with Scotland's self-build experts, and the best way to source all the products you need at the prices you want, and secure all the services you need – all under one roof!

Info from the Scottish Homebuilding Show